Apr 24, 2009

Okay, let's don't focus our attention on the 5 year old picture of me, this is about the ROCKING CHAIR I'm sitting on!!

In it's glory days, not so beautiful forest green and light oak......
(sorry, this is the best shot of the chair I have)

We thought we'd update a little and make it match the living room decor, since there's no room for it in the baby's room.
This was my first time reupholstering anything. It was fun...
...and so much cuter!

There was enough fabric left over to make a coordinating pillow for the couch (also something that needs to be majorly updated, pillows).


Stephanie said...

So so cute!! I am really impressed! I want to reupholster mine and repaint it so bad too. You wanna come do it for me? Thanks.

Joe and Jenny said...

How darling. I have that same chair. I did reupholster it when my first child was born, but it is outdated again and I have never restained it. Did you sand and stain it or just paint it?

Belnap Family said...

We used a flat spray paint actually. We thought it would be sooo much easier with all the different angles and tiny spots to reach. It was. I did sand it a little first too.

Leavitt's said...

Wow that looks so good. How do you find the time to make all these crafty things with 3 kids!!! you are amazing

Unknown said...

that looks amazing! I LOVE dark wood! How did you do that? There are a few things I would like to reupholster!