Minor meltdown...
Yes, we had an intense moment here. But don't worry, it's been resolved after a few adjustments!! I got Ethan all excited about this cape I was going to make him. He is REALLY into superhero's right now.
Yes, we had an intense moment here. But don't worry, it's been resolved after a few adjustments!! I got Ethan all excited about this cape I was going to make him. He is REALLY into superhero's right now.
I got all finished sewing, and was so excited to show him. So I tied it around his neck and...low and behold, he started crying! Spoiled? well maybe just a little ;)
He was down with that, and now we have a happy (still a little spoiled) kid who wears his cape (long version) almost everyday! I even let him wear it to the mall one day :)
Isn't that so how it goes? As sad as this my sound, that little story makes me feel just a little better about some of the things Kate pulls after a gift giving moment. Oh boy...just how do you teach kids gratitude? Maybe it just comes with age and social awareness...I hope. :)
PS Ethan looks very handsome in his newly versatile cape!
That's cute (and a little spoiled). i think any little kid would have done the same.I know I would cry if you made me something and it wasn't perfect.
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