Mar 9, 2009

Oldies but goodies...
Mostly baby blankets I've made. I like to keep pictures of them so I can refer back when I need a gift idea.

For sweet little Sadie

matching burp cloth and of course the card that went with it.

I think my all time favorite. I LOVE the soft fabric on the back. Not the easiest to sew though!

Another one for Owen

For Leann's baby, Luke

My carseat cover for Owen! So easy to make and it works SO wonderfully! You just lay the blanket over the top (under the handle) and tie those ribbons around the handle and the blanket can flip up over the top when you need to get in there to get the sweet (or screaming one) out!

I can't take all the credit for this one. My sweet little boy wanted to make a blanket for his new baby brother. He picked out the fleece by himself. I helped him cut some of the strips and taught him how to tie a knot. He did 2 of the sides and they look great! Nothing like brotherly love.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Such cute fabric you chose for Sadie's blanket and matching burp cloth. Nothing like that funky monkey fabric right! (I wrote that not realizing it rhymed) I still have that card you made too.

This blog is a great idea. I use to have to go back in the history to look at your enrichment boards and now I can just go here. Sweet.